January 22, 2020

January 2020 Daily Insight #22 - You Gotta Do This

Day #22– It’s Wednesday, January 22, 2020.

Here’s your daily insight to start maximizing your career and create a more engaged professional experience.

In order to make change, you gotta do the work. I know you’ve heard this a thousand times (stop rolling your eyes), but I’ve found just STARTING SOMETHING can get you on the path to greatness. I hear it all the time: “I’m overwhelmed just thinking about something new” or “I don’t even know how to start revising my resume” or “I have no idea what I’m good at professionally” (yes, I do hear that a ton). My advice – just do SOMETHING to get started. Five minutes of brainstorming. A quick conversation with a co-worker. Some silent time commuting into work (Daily Insight #13). Baby steps. You get the idea.

Go. Do something. Just start. Now.

See ya tomorrow.

Here’s to your Engaged Pursuit!

Tom Perry's Signature

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In our weekly podcast, Engaged Pursuit Founder Tom Perry highlights the most pressing issues for employees and managers across the tech sector. With his real-world, relatable style, Tom delivers quick, insightful, employee-centered career content to help tech pros, executives and teams address the issues common to a career in tech -- from job changes and workplace challenges, to bad bosses and feeling “stuck.” Available on Apple and Spotify, or wherever you get your podcast.

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